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Don't be fooled by ESET SMS fraud!How to identify the phishing technique of text messages

This article re -edited the "Why we can easily get caught in SMS fishing scams?"

Message from my mother -in -law

"Jake, I may have clicked what should not be clicked. Can you help me? It seems that fraud is getting more and more sly."

Suspicious message sent

"Notice about luggage to you. The product has been stopped due to the customs clearance fee. Please follow the following guidance. Z0V ..."

ESET SMS詐欺に騙されるな! テキストメッセージのフィッシング手口を見極める方法

About another case

Don't click in a hurry

[Quotation/source source] Why do we fall for sms pHISHING SCAMS SO EASILY? By Jake Moore 22 JAN 2021 --11:30 AMHTTPS: // www.Welivesecurity.COM/2021/01/22/Why-do-WE-FALL-SMS-PHISHING-SCAMS-SO-EASILY/